We already had plans to go on an overnight trip, so I frantically looked for a babysitter all day Thursday. Abbey came to the rescue and did a great job with Anna. She even got her to eat meatloaf! Now I am going to start cooking it even though Joe HATES it. He will eat it when his mom cooks it, so now he will have to when I do.
Friday night, Joe took me to The Chop House and then off to the house we were staying at. It was great getting away for the night! We slept in Saturday morning and Joe cooked breakfast for me! I have the best husband ever!!! Then we went to the outlets to exchange some things. We picked Anna up at 12:30 and went home to play!
My little sweetheart!
Anna and Daddy at church tonight.
Making Daddy's Valentine.
Daddy reading to Anna. She kept taking the book back to Daddy and signing "more"!
Anna loves her daddy so much!!!
Mommy and Daddy both got Anna a Valentine! She loves stuffed animals right now!
Cool chair! Anna watching a movie at Josh and Lauren's Saturday night.
We went to Jack and Jake's for a Valentine party Friday morning. Anna had fun playing with McKinley!
Fran made a great breakfast for everyone!
Jaxson, McKinley, and Anna eating breakfast.
Anna liked J & J's basketball goal!
Trying to get 9 kids to pose was difficult!
she is so cute!!! her hair is getting longer and it is adorable!
She was so sweet yesterday morning. I substituted in her Sunday school class and she just wanted to sit on my lap and play with the toys. She signed "more" a million times each time we got out a toy. By the time we were finished, we had ALL the toys out. It was so cute! I signed "all gone" or "finished" and she just looked at me and kept signing "more." :) What a sweet girl you have!
Ditto on her pretty blonde curly hair!! :) Love it!
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