Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer So Far

We went to New Harvest park today with lots of friends from church! Anna had so much fun playing in the water!

La Donna, Abbey, and Ella

Anna LOVES to help Daddy water the flowers and garden!

Anna and Jack in the pool (or slip-n-slide)!

Fran and all the kids!

Anna and Ella's new picnic table!

Ella is working on sitting up!

Daddy and his girls!

Ella playing in the booth at Cheddars.

Daddy and Anna in "big" church!

Playing with Joel

We went to visit baby Tanner!

I love matching outifits!

Mother's Day!

We made our first trip to the zoo as a family of 4 a few weeks ago. Ella took a nap on Mommy. Mommy was really tired at the end of the day, but we had fun!

Anna spends ALOT of time on the potty these days. She is doing pretty good with it. She stays dry as long as we are home and/or I am with her. I have to take her to the potty still, but she is making progress. She also pees in public bathrooms alot better now. The harderst problem we are facing is when Mommy is not with her. She does not do well on Sundays.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ella's 6 Month Photoshoot

Rhonda did Ella's 6 month photoshoot a few weeks ago. We loved all our pictures. I had trouble today uploading all the pictures from the shoot. Apparently I have reached my limit on blogger and cannot upload any more pictures for 24 hours. More pics to come.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Catch Up

Sorry it has taken me so long to update the blog lately. Most of our time now is spent taking Anna to the potty. She is doing pretty good so far, but still has a way to go. We went to Ohio last weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa Whitley. Then the girls and I stayed with Nana and Poppy for a few days before we came back home. Here are pics from our 2 trips.

Addie was not sure about her Mommy holding Ella, so she had to join them. Happy 2nd birthday Addie!

Getting ready for their nap!

The 3 girls had fun together, but they missed Tristan.

Grandma and Grandpa with 5 of their 7 great grandchildren from their oldest son Tim.

Enjoying the BEST milkshake we have ever had from United Dairy Farmers!

Ella and Grandma

Anna had so much fun playing with Emma!

Watching the KY Derby!

Grandpa and Ella

Grandma reading Anna a book!


Ella and Aunt La La

We celebrated Aunt La La's birthday last weekend.

Anna is such a big girl now.

This is a funny picture...you would think it should be the other way around.

Bathtime with Dane

Cuddling with Uncle Cory!

Anna had fun playing with Elizabeth last week.

Cuddle time with Nana!

Ma and Ella

Sweet sisters!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Big Day!!!

Today was a big day in our house! Anna peed and pooped on the potty for the first time EVER!!!! We were at Carrie's house this afternoon and Anna tried one time. She didn't have any luck the first time. Then I put her down for a nap and left to go the FCA. Carrie said she heard Anna kind of crying (which she never does) so she decided to go check on her. She asked her if she needed to poop. Anna said yes, so Carrie took her. Carrie put her on the potty and then gave her privacy. Carrie said a few minutes later she heard the poop and then the pee! Anna said, "Can I have my sucker now?" So Carrie gave her the sucker! I was playing basketball at FCA, so Carrie called Mark so he could come tell me. I couldn't concentrate on the basketball game after that.

We decided to celebrate the occasion, so Joe came to Mark and Carrie's after work. We loaded up 4 kids and headed to Wal-Mart and McDonald's!

Heading to Wal-Mart so Anna could get a treat!

We need big kids at our house.

We wanted Anna to remember this day, so we bought her a microphone so she could sing while she sits on the potty and a baby that goes to the potty!

Celebration dinner at McDonalds!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ella is 6 months old

I cannot believe that in 6 months we will be celebrating Ella's 1st birthday. Time is going too fast for us. Ella has changed alot in this past month. She has cut her bottom 2 teeth and she is eating solid foods (cereal, green beans, yellow squash, peas, and butternut squash). She LOVES all her foods so far and has finally figured out how to eat with a spoon pretty well. She also is turning over consistently and we are working on sitting up.

We went for Ella's 6 month check-up on Friday since we were going to be out of town this week. She weighed 16 lbs. 1 oz. and is 25 1/4 inches long.

November 8, 2009

December 3, 2009

January 3, 2010

February 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

Today...May 3, 2010

We had to wait for Ella's shots, so she took a nap on Daddy.