Wednesday, April 30, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Anna went for her 4 month check-up today. Everything looked great according to Dr. Kimble. She weighed 13 lbs. 7 oz. and was 25 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. He told us we could start her on cereal as soon as we want. I think we will wait until I get out of school though. Anna had to get three more shots today. She was a trooper! She screamed as soon as the nurse gave the shots. Then two seconds later, Anna started sucking on her thumb and stopped crying. She fell asleep on the way home and then took a 2 1/2 hour nap.

Standing up with Daddy at the doctor.

"I love it when Daddy kisses me!"

Big Girl

Right after her shots.

Anna was so brave at the doctor today. I think was harder on Mommy than Anna.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Anna's Attempt to Crawling

If you read my comments, you will see that Fran thinks Anna is trying to crawl. She said that on Monday, Anna army crawled about 3 feet. Today, I put Anna on her belly and put two balls in front of her. She just talked and laughed the entire time. She didn't move this time, but I will keep trying. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Dad, I finally caught a smile on camera.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Four Month Pictures continued...

My mom forgot to tell me that Anna turned from her back to her belly Saturday night. When Mom went in to get Anna Sunday morning, she was on her belly. She did that for the first time on her four month birthday! I was so excited when Mom told me this morning. It is amazing how much Anna is changing and growing each day.

Poppy is really good at getting Anna to laugh. He can also catch her smiles on camera.

Anna and Poppy before church yesterday. She is wearing a newborn dress from Ma. I can't believe it still fits!

Anna and Nana

Mommy and Anna

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Four Months Old

Anna is four months old today! Wow, has time flown by. I can't believe Anna is already four months old. Everyone told me she would grow up too fast, but I didn't really believe them until now. I can't wait until I can be with Anna all the time! She goes for her four month check-up on Wednesday.

Joe and I had a great weekend. I had my kidney stone removed on Friday!!!! The surgery went great and I felt fine as soon as the surgery was over. I am relieved to have that horrible stone out of me. Then yesterday, Joe, Fran, Justin, Kylie, Tyler, and I all went to Pigeon Forge for Fran's birthday. We had a great time relaxing, shopping, and sleeping in this morning! My mom and dad came in to keep Anna. I think they liked Joe and I being gone and having Anna all to themselves. Mom said she followed our schedule! Thanks Mom and Dad for keeping Anna

I love naked pictures.

Anna loves to fly.

Anna chilling with Daddy on her four month birthday.

Bathtime is so much more fun now.

Flying again...

Fran, Kylie, and myself before dinner.

The guys...Joe, Justin, and Tyler

Saturday, April 26, 2008

More pics from the Farm

Happy Birthday Aunt Fran

Happy Birthday Aunt Fran! We hope you have a great birthday today. Thank you for all you have done for Anna over the past four months! We really appreciate you keeping her three days a week. I know she is in good hands when I leave her in the mornings. We can't wait to spend time with you and the boys this summer. I am so thankful God brought our two families together. You and Justin mean so much to us! We love you!
Joe, Sara, and Anna

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day at the Farm

Fran took Anna with her to the farm on Thursday for a photo session with Rhonda. They had 6 kids there and Rhonda managed to take pictures of ALL the kids. WOW, Rhonda, you are awesome! I sent several outfits for Anna to wear. I guess Aunt Fran didn't like my choices because she put her in a CUTE dress she had bought her. Thanks Aunt Fran! Here are a few pictures Rhonda took Thursday.


Anna goes to the Summit with us on Wednesday nights. This past Wednesday we had Movie Awards night, so everyone dressed up. We had a great night! One student got SAVED!!!! Praise God!

Ciara, a two year old from our church liked playing with Anna Wednesday night.

Ciara kept trying to kiss Anna

Anna with Fran and Justin at church.

Our family at church Wednesday night.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Playing with Mommy

Anna loves to be helped up in the air. I would lay her on my stomach and she would laugh and talk to me. It was so cute and fun. Not thinking one time, I help Anna up in the air, and all of the sudden a ton of chuncky spit came flying out of her mouth, all over my face and down my shirt. Fun Fun!

Day Out

Anna went to Todd and Leeanne's yesterday and today. Leeanne took Anna and Lydia outside yesterday afternoon. She says that Anna and Lydia talk to each other all the time. Today they went to Wal-Mart. Here are a few pictures from the past two days.

Anna and Lydia outside.

Anna loves her belly.

Lydia and Anna at Wal-Mart

Leeanne said that Anna slept the entire time at Wal-Mart

Abbey and Hannah with Anna. They come to my room every Wednesday to see Anna. They help me carry Anna and everything else out to the car. I couldn't make it without them.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Esther, we hope you have a great birthday!
We love you and can't wait to see you!

Anna, Joe, and Sara

Anna liked holding the paper.

When Anna sits in her rocker, I have to really watch her because she kicks and legs so much that she starts to slide out of it.