Thursday, July 31, 2008

Swimming Pictures

I didn't take a picture of this, but I just noticed that Anna has cut one of her top teeth. The other one looks like it will break the gum any time now!

So Sweet!

Anna really liked swimming with Brycen and Regan!

Anna like Tim!


Anna with Fran and Ciara at church last night.


Yesterday, Brycen, Regan, and Anna went swimming in Anna's pool. It was night and day difference from the first time I put Anna in the pool. Now that she can sit on her own, I think she felt more comfortable. She splashed and screamed the entire time. Thanks Abbey and Tim for watching all the kids. Carrie and I went to Carter High School to serve lunch to the band. Abbey and Tim kept 3 kids while we were gone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Trying to Crawl

On Saturday, Joe was trying to get Anna to crawl. Here is a video of the event. Can you tell I like posting videos now! Thanks Fran for teaching me how.

Anna Waving

I have not been able to put videos on my blog, but now I think I finally can. Anna started waving "bye bye" today during our photo shoot.

7 months old

Anna was 7 months old yesterday. Man, does the time fly. I cannot believe how much Anna has changed just in the last month. She is not a little baby any more and that makes me sad. In the last month, Anna has...
*Started saying "da da" and "ma ma" (da da was first though).
*Learned how to sit on her own.
*Is on the verge of crawling.
*And just today, started waving "bye bye". If I start saying "bye bye", Anna will wave!

Joe and I are so blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby! I weighed Anna today and she weighs 15 lbs. 13 oz. She has gained 9 oz. in the last month!

Anna and I had another photo shoot today!

Anna waving "bye bye"!!!!

Daddy trying to get Anna to crawl.

Daddy's big girl.

Alexis and Corbin. Alexis is involved with Primary Focus/Living Proof. Joe and I are her "grandparents" for this month. She came over for lunch yesterday.

Regan, baby Corbin, and Brycen. They all came over for lunch yesterday because Mark is out of the country. Please pray for Mark and his team!

Regan and her mommy, Carrie.

Joe and Brycen. Brycen wanted to hang out with Joe yesterday. I think he missed his Daddy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

God is So Good!

We have had a great week this week. Nana and Poppy came to visit Wednesday and Thursday. They brought Penny and Vicki with them. Penny and Vicki are staying with them for the summer. I took Penny and Vicki to The Beach at Court South Wednesday. That night we went to Wasabi for supper and then Joe and I took Penny and Vicki to church. At church Wednesday night, Penny asked Jesus into her heart and to save her from her sins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please pray for both girls as they have to go back to their country where Christianity is not the norm. I know the holy spirit is working in Vicki. Please pray for her and her salvation. Last night, Anna went to her first birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheeses. She LOVED watching all the kids run around. I'm sure next year, Joe and I will be chasing her around instead of chasing Jack and Jake.

Anna said "Ma Ma" on Wednesday for the first time. She has been saying it alot since then!

Joe and me with Penny and Vicki

Penny playing with Anna

Nana and the girls reading to Anna.

Look at my new outfit. Thanks Nana!

Mmmm this is GOOD!

Anna trying to crawl.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yesterday afternoon, I thought Anna was about to crawl. I know I have been saying that for a while now, but I REALLY thought it was going to happen yesterday. Anna was playing on the floor and she would get up on her hands and knees and rock her butt back and forth for about 10 seconds at a time. Joe was asleep on the couch because he was sick yesterday. I woke him up to see, but she never crawled.

Anna tried apple juice in a sippy cup yesterday. She didn't really drink much juice, but I think it felt good on her gums.

Anna can get to pretty much anything that is near her.

Trying to crawl.

Anna loves her Daddy!

Hanging out with Daddy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lazy Sundays

We love to come home from church on Sundays and just relax! We had a great morning at church and look forward to going back tonight! Here are some pictures from today.

I bought this dress for Anna last summer right after the 4th of July. I didn't know what I was having, but I just loved the dress.

Ready for church.

This is fun!

Anna tried cheerios for the first time today. She didn't really eat them, but she liked playing with them. They all ended up in her high-chair.

Anna loves her Daddy!

Playing with Daddy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Day with Daddy

Joe doesn't get much time with Anna all alone, but today he kept her most of the day. I did a yard sale at Mark and Carrie's and had to leave early this morning. I think Joe and Anna both enjoyed their day together. Joe is great at multi-tasking and was able to put up a ceiling fan today while keeping Anna! He loaded her up this morning and took her to Home Depot to get the fan. Then they headed to Comcast and then finally back home. Daddy worked on the fan some while Anna was down for a nap, but she told Daddy that she wanted to help, so to not finish the whole job while she was napping. Here are some pictures of Anna reading the instructions to Daddy. Joe said she just stared at him while he was standing on the ladder. By the way Poppy, I think Anna is saying "da-da", not "Poppy" first

"I love helping Daddy work!"

"See Daddy, this is what you are suppose to do."

Anna playing after her hard day's work.


Last night we went to Littons with the Vineyards and McKeehans. Dinner was great and we really enjoyed hanging out with everyone!

Anna says Hello! We are working on waving.

Daddy and Anna. Nana, she LOVES her octopus!

Anna with Brycen and Carrie

Brycen always wants to hold Anna. She loves looking at him!

Mark and Corbin. Corbin is 6 weeks old and is the already sleeping through the night! Way to go Mark and Carrie!

Mark and Justin with their boys.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Yard Sale Fun

Yesterday, we had a great yard sale at Fran's house. We had a lot of customers and made alot of money. They are still having it today, so go check it out. (Neal's Landing) I decided to take the day off from the sale so I could clean my house. I am doing another yard sale tomorrow with Carrie in River Run East. Come check us out tomorrow! Anna had fun at the yard sale yesterday. She spent all of her wake times outside with Jack, Jake, Kennedy, Colin, Emma, and Jackson. Here are some pictures from the day.

Anna loved being outside!

Grammy was helping Anna pull up!

Anna liked watching Kennedy!

Emma let Anna play with her hair. Vicki, isn't that cool we know another set of Emma and Jack!

Anna and Jackson. Jackson is almost 5 months, but ALOT bigger than Anna.

Amy and Anna. Thanks for watching Anna yesterday!

Jack enjoying some great lemonade from Kennedy and Colin's lemonade stand.

Jake liked the lemonade too!