Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Joe and I went to Gatlinburg this weekend with Josh and Lauren to celebrate mine and Lauren's birthdays. We had such a fun, relaxing weekend! Thanks Nana and Poppy for keeping the girls. It is nice to get away, and know that our girls will be well taken care of and have so much fun!

The guys...

The girls...

Saying good-bye Thursday night.

Anna and Poppy dancing!

Anna got several inches cut off the other day. We are trying to get it one length.

Anna and LeAnna

Isn't this such a sweet picture?

Anna said she was fixing Ella's hair.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ella's 2 Month Check-Up

Ella went for her 2 month check-up last Wednesday. Sorry it has taken me so long to update. Here are her stats:
Weight - 12 lbs. 9 oz. 90% (Yes, she LOVES her mommy's milk!!!)
Length - 23 1/2 inches 75%
Head - 15 1/2 inches 75%

She also had her shots and did really well with them.

Anna went for her 2 year check-up on the same day. She did not have to have any shots, only a finger prick. Her iron was way up from this time last year, so we were thankful for that. Here are her stats:
Weight - 27 lbs. 25%
Height - 34 1/2 inches - 75%

I cannot believe my sweet baby girl is already 2 1/2 months old. Where does the time go?

Thanks for the matching PJs JoAnn!

Sweet sisters!

Dr. Kimble checking Anna out.

Joe and his girls at the doctor!

If you couldn't count all the those kids...there were 7 in this picture and Ella was asleep unstairs.

Rhonda had lots of help feeding baby Joshua!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Catch Up

Finding time to blog now is a little harder with two girls. Life is so great with 2 sweet girls! Ella is growing and changing so much. I weighed her last Thursday at Fran's house. She weighed 12 lbs. 10 oz. We go tomorrow for her two month check-up and shots so I will give you her stats later this week. Also, last week at Fran's house, Ella turned over for the first time...from her belly to her back. I had just put her down for a nap and decided to watch her for a second. I was so excited that I got to witness it! She did it again later during her nap, but hasn't done it since then.

One other exciting news for us is that Ella is sleeping ALL NIGHT now! She started about 2 weeks ago going from 10 pm until about 6 am. And now for the past 4 or 5 days, she has been sleeping from 10 pm until 7:30 - 7:45 am! It feels so good to sleep all night!

Nana and Poppy came in Saturday to celebrate my birthday! Joe and I went on a date Saturday night and then today they watched the girls so I could go shopping, to the gym, and then I went to lunch with Joe! Thanks Nana and Poppy! Here are pictures from the past week.

Ready for church!

Ella - 2 1/2 months old

We went to Jaxson's birthday party Saturday. Anna did not want to get in the bounce house, but I finally convinced her and she loved it!

In the bounce house...

Poppy and his girls!

Nana and her girls!

Joe went to work late on Friday so he could play with Anna in the snow...but they couldn't build a snowman this time.

Right after she turned over for the first time.

Ella is 6 weeks older than Joshua, but he is already longer than her!

Anna loves being read to!

Thanks Carrie for their cute shirts!

Anna loves Jack and Jake!

No, she's not potty trained yet.

Thanks Grandma for making Ella's sweater!

Thanks Aunt Abbie!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

My brother, Cory, his wife Laura, and their son Dane came to town last week for Anna's birthday party. We have been planning on having family pictures taken to give to my parents for their anniversary. We met Joe downtown last Tuesday on his lunch break to take the pictures. It was about 35 degrees (way too cold) for outside pictures, but we did them anyways. My children did not cooperate because of the cold temperatures. Rhonda was still able to get some good ones!

After our family shoot, Rhonda tried to take Anna's 2 year old pictures. Anna was over it and way too cold at this point. We couldn't get her to so smile or even stop crying except for the birthday cake that Rhonda brought. We even let the balloons fly away after only one picture. Needless to say, I am not doing anymore outside pictures unless the temperature is above 60 degrees.

Nana, you need to choose which picture you want to frame!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year and 2 Months Old!

Happy New Year to all our friends and family! We are so thankful for each of you and look forward to what God has in store for us in 2010! I can't believe it, but Ella is 2 months old today. Time has just flown by and I need it to slow down. Joe says Ella is our last baby, so I am trying to enjoy every second with her. We have been a little frustrated with her sleeping until this week. She had only been sleeping about 5 hours at night until the last few days. Traveling for Christmas set her back a little, so I decided that Tuesday night we were going to let her cry alot to try to get her back on track with sleeping at night. Well, she surprised us, and slept 6 1/2 hours that night! Then the next night she slept 6 hours and 40 minutes. Then last night, she slept all night: 10:00 pm until 6:08 this morning! We were so excited and feel so rested. She caught up with her sleeping and slept through the night about the same time as Anna did.

1 Month

Look at how much I've grown!