Anna played in Jack and Jake's pool yesterday. She seemed to enjoy it after a few minutes. The water was a little cold, but she was fine a few minutes into the adventure. Jack and Jake liked her being in there with them. Jack kept wanting Anna to go down the slide. Jack and Jake both wanted to help feed Anna so she could get in the pool. Jake kept taking the bottle out of her mouth and would say, "Anna, pool". I think the boys liked Anna swimming with them.
You all ought to bring Anna and the boys out to swim with Ben and Katie! :) We swim every night. Ben's a little water dog and Katie seems to like it so far. I have a few baby floats!
hi mrs whitley!! its katie (your intern from freedom first semester), anna is so cute and getting so big!! Also, I have the bathing suit you had on in brown! haha. Hope you are enjoying staying home!!
Thanks Sara and Joe for our baby pool!! Justin has only made a few comments about our back yard set up. :) :)
You all ought to bring Anna and the boys out to swim with Ben and Katie! :) We swim every night. Ben's a little water dog and Katie seems to like it so far. I have a few baby floats!
hi mrs whitley!! its katie (your intern from freedom first semester), anna is so cute and getting so big!! Also, I have the bathing suit you had on in brown! haha. Hope you are enjoying staying home!!
Katie (Witt) Hayse
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