Ella's first haircut! October 23, 2010
Begging Daddy for ice-cream!
We went to Boo at the Zoo last weekend.
Anna wanted to pose by Dora.
Fran and I took our kids to Cracker Barrel Tuesday.
We went to a trunk or treat Wednesday night.
Fran had a great Halloween party for all our kids! Thanks Fran!
Minnies and Mickey
All the kids..posing for a picute.
Anna wanted to bob for apples so bad, but didn't want to get wet.
Joe and I went to a Bible Fellowship Halloween party at John and Amanda's Saturday night. For some reason, I did not get everyone's pictures, but each couple were dressed really creatively.
The girls weren't sure about Mommy and Daddy.
50s couple...
Pregnant nun!
UPS guy and his "package"!
Amazing food and decorations!
We carved pumpkins at the Halloween party last night. I did this one for Ella's birthday!