Anna and Jayden had fun playing together!
Anna playing with Aunt Janet!
Dress-up time wtih Nana!
We went to Mom's church VBS pool party Friday night. Jason, Anna, and Jayden at the party. Anna and Jayden went down the slide behind them and LOVED it!
Ma and my girls!
Anna LOVES playing with Dane!
Getting all 5 kids to smile and look at the camera was almost impossible.
Ma's great-grandchildren (minus McKenna)
Jason threw Jayden down the slip-n-slide!
Ella enjoyed the pool!
Swim time!
Dane liked the slip-n-slide.
The kids had lots of spectators.
Ma and Anna
La La and Dane
Aunt Janet and Ella!
Thanks for the new pillows Ma!
La La and the girls!
Dane playing corn-hole!
Nana and Ella
Cory, Laura, and Dane
Ma with all the girls!
Ma with all the guys!
Poppy and his girls!
Anna and Jayden playing Ring-a-Around the Rosie