Anna getting ready to blow out her candles! She needed a little help from Daddy.
Anna and Nana
Anna hitting Dora!
We made Brycen go last because we know he could break Dora! He hit her so hard that she broke right at the neck and her body feel to the ground.
Getting the was crazy how much candy was still on the ground at the end of the party.
Anna and Jaxson enjoying some candy! They are 20 days apart so we will be celebrating Jaxson's birthday soon!
Anna had lots of helpers with opening her presents! Thanks to all our friends and family for such sweet gifts!
Admiring a present!
The guys trying to get away from all the fun...but they were cheering on the CATS!
The Arms....
Anna LOVES Brycen!
Anna helped me make cupcakes for her party!
Anna and Aunt La La
Anna being silly!
Ella and Hudson came to the party, but you would have never known they were there. Hudson is 10 days older than Ella. I love having babies at the same time as my friends so our children can grown up together!
Anna and Nana
Ella and Poppy
My 2 year old and almost 2 month old...