Anna went to her first wedding this past weekend. We were not going to take her because she talks alot now. His co-workers insisted that we bring her, so we did. Anna did great during the wedding, we just had to stuff her with puffs. Towards the end she started talking some, so I would stick my gum out and then pull it back in again, and she LOVED it. We did that for the last 10 minutes of the wedding.
Then yesterday, Anna and I went for a walk with LeAnna and Jaxson. When we got home, I realized that my house key was not on my keyring, so we were locked out. LeAnna let us stay all afternoon! Thanks LeAnna! If I gave anyone my key, please let me know:)
Anna will give me a kiss if I ask her to now.

Our family...

Anna and Jim

Puffs saved the day:)

Anna and Daddy at the wedding.

Playing with Jaxson.

Anna loved Jaxson's ball pit.

Dinner at El Chico

Chastin, LeAnna, and Jaxson

Anna and Jaxson on their first date:)

She played in here for 30 minutes today:)

Anna likes to pull up on the laundry basket.