Monday, February 1, 2010

Last Week

We had a nice relaxing week at home last week. The girls and I stayed home all week, except to go to the gym. It was very nice being home everyday. Then we stayed home most of the weekend because of the snow. Here are pictures from our week.

Catching snow in their mouths!

Anna, Daddy, and Crosty (We try to get her to say Frosty, but she refuses.)

Having a tea party with Jack and Jake!

Anna loves playing with J & J!

Stephen and Kari came over for dinner last week. They are going to have a baby girl any day!

I love our youth group at CHBC! God is so good...We finally have a new student pastor!

Jenny and Hannah

Will stuffing his face with a snowball cupcake.

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

Justin is not going to let J&J play with Anna if we keep showing tea party pictures. Cute picture of Joe catching snow with Anna. :)