Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trip to KY so far...

The girls and I drove to Lexington yesterday and spent the day at Uncle Cory's and Aunt La La's house. Anna and Dane had fun playing together (pictures to come later). Then today, we had a great lunch at Ma's and dinner with Dawn and Daniel. Anna has enjoyed playing in the basement most of the day. She even went downstairs by herself tonight. Nana went down to check on her and Anna was standing at the bottom of the stairs, sucking her thumb because the lights were out. I bet she stood down there for 10 minutes before Nana went down. Then right before bed, I put Anna's new Kentucky shirt on over her PJs and she said she wanted to watch the CATS! Yes, we have her brain-washed. More pictures to come later this week.

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

Look at all that snow! It just started snowing here (a little). Be safe!