Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catch Up

We went to Mr. Gattis Monday with Rhonda and Stephanie for a fun playdate. Anna loves playing with other kids. Then tonight we went to Joel's first birthday party. Anna had so much fun playing with Joel, eating birthday cake, and helping Joel open his presents.

I'm having trouble with blogger, so sorry there are no words above the pictures. Hopefully I can figure out the problem soon.


Lauren said...

Wow, you were fast with this post! Love that Ella is using the Exersaucer of Joel's! So glad you all got to be in on the fun tonight. See you tomorrow...I'm pooped!

Pam Bowers said...

Hey Sara,

Your blog background is really cute. The pink is still showing through though. A quick fix is to go to on Pick New Template...and choose MINIMA as your template. It gives you a plain white background that your new background will show up on better.

I hope you and your family are doing well. You all look great. Ella is precious and Anna is growing so fast.

Pam Bowers

The Thompsons said...

Ok, Stephanie...hope you have my back on this one...we're gonna kick yo booty for posting that pic! LOL

McKsMom said...

Stephanie looks like she is showing off a new piece of jewelry. Cracking me up!!!