Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Joe and I went to Gatlinburg this weekend with Josh and Lauren to celebrate mine and Lauren's birthdays. We had such a fun, relaxing weekend! Thanks Nana and Poppy for keeping the girls. It is nice to get away, and know that our girls will be well taken care of and have so much fun!

The guys...

The girls...

Saying good-bye Thursday night.

Anna and Poppy dancing!

Anna got several inches cut off the other day. We are trying to get it one length.

Anna and LeAnna

Isn't this such a sweet picture?

Anna said she was fixing Ella's hair.


Lauren said...

We had so much fun! Let's make this a tradition!!

Becca said...

Anna's haircut is too cute!

Sara said...

Yes Lauren, we need to do this every year for our birthdays! I'm glad Josh is feeling better.

The Thompsons said...

So fun! I love the pic of all four of you together. Glad all 4 of you got some time away to relax!