Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We stayed here for Thanksgiving instead of traveling. Nana and Poppy came to visit and we have had a great time relaxing around here. Yesterday, Poppy watched both girls while Mom and I went shopping and Joe had to work. Poppy was alone with Anna and Ella for about 5 hours. Thanks Poppy!

Ella is doing great! I took her to the doctor Tuesday for her 3 week check-up and she weighed 10 lbs. 1 oz. and was 22 inches long. Her weight is in the 75th percentile and her length is in the 90th percentile. She is now eating every 3 1/2 hours during the day and had been doing about every 4 during the night. Last night, she slept 5 hours and 20 minutes! I feel very rested today!

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you and are so thankful for you!

Our Family...

Loving on Nana and Poppy!

Helping Daddy open his birthday presents. Anna thought they were her presents.

Helping Daddy set the table for Thanksgiving dinner.

Anna helping Daddy dry the dishes Thursday.


Lauren said...

Happy birthday, Joe! Glad you all had a happy Thanksgiving here in Knoxville! Even more glad Ella slept over 5 hours for you!!

Frances Vineyard said...

Happy Birthday to Joe and Happy Thanksgiving! Love Anna's hot pink snowman dress! Super cute!