Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Ella

Our Sweet Baby Girl

Ella Ruth Whitley

was born today at 1:30 in the afternoon. She weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Joe and I arrived at the hospital at midnight and they started pitocin at about 1:15 this morning. When they checked me, I was only a 1/2 cm dilated. I was very frustrated because that is what I had been since 36 weeks. At 7:00 am, I asked for my epidural and was feeling no pain by 7:30. Dr. Vick arrived at 9:00 to check me and break my water. However, my water had already broke and I didn't know it. I was 2 cm at this point. At 11:00 I was 4 cm. Then Dr. Vick came back at 1:00 to check me. As soon as he did, he said, "Oh My", but did not tell me how far I was. The next thing I knew, he had me pushing and Joe could immediately see Ella's head. He let all my family and friends come in to see me one last time. I was able to kiss Anna, which made me cry. Then everyone left. Within 10 minutes Ella was here. I pushed 3 times and she was out! I won't give any more details, but it was an amazing experience and much easier than Anna. God is so good! We have been praising him all day for our sweet baby girl and her health! The Internet is really slow here at the hospital and this is the only picture I could get to upload. Many more to come when we get home Thursday.


soccer mom said...

so glad everything went smoothly and fast!! and easy in the end!! I know you're glad it's all over and she's here. she is beautiful. can't wait to see her and put her and tray side by side for some photos. love ya'll.

Julie P. said...

So happy for you guys! Enjoy your first days together!!
Julie Piller

elisa said...

She is just so precious! Glad to hear things went so smoothly once they got going. :) Praying for rest and ease in this transition.

The Thompsons said...

Faith just said "Mommy, is that baby Ella when she first got squeeeeezed out?" LOL Congrats again to all of you!

not up to code said...

Congratulations on your new little (big!)one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your sweet baby Ella... enjoy your "new family"..
Love Phil and Robin