Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The girls and I went to KY again last week. It was fun visiting with family again!

Painting a picture to take home to Daddy!

Craft time with Nana

Ma and Ella

Anna and Dane

Laura and Cory feeding Ella

Missing Joe in this picture:(

Poppy and his 3 grandkids!

Nana, Anna, and Dane

Decked out in their UK gear! Didn't help the CATS Saturday:(

I love cuddle time!

Lori and Chris came to visit Saturday!

Abbie and Todd came to Pigeon Forge last weekend to getaway. They invited us to come swim Saturday night. We had so much fun visiting with them!

Tristan is 9 months older than Anna, but its hard to tell now! So sweet!

Ella and Tray

Getting in the pool!

Anna had so much fun in the pool, but would not let go of Daddy!

Fun in the pool!

They had fun in the big tub after their swim!

Todd with Ella and Tray...Tray is 13 days older than Ella.


1 comment:

The Thompsons said...

Awe, Anna looks so cute in her red swim suit. Sorry your cats lost...well, not really. he he