Sunday, March 14, 2010

C-A-T-S! Cats Cats Cats!!!

What a fun weekend of cheering on the CATS! Anna even likes watching basketball with Daddy and cheering on the CATS. I think the main reason she likes watching basketball is because she and Daddy eat popcorn during the game.

My Kentucky Fans!!!

Ella says, "GO BIG BLUE!!"

Anna with the birthday kids!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Paige and Parker!

I think Anna liked pulling the string instead of hitting it.

Fun times! Look at all that candy....Anna only chose one piece!!

Look at these cute monkey cupcakes! Rhonda, you are SOOO creative!

Josh, La La, and Joel came over for the game yesterday. They were good sports!

Playing with Joel!

I worked in Anna's class during church today. As you can see, we were pretty busy.

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

Way to go Cats! :) I'll cheer for them now! :)