Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Party and Our First Snow

We went to Rhonda's on Thursday for a friends Christmas party. Rhonda made a wonderful breakfast for everyone! Thanks Rhonda! Thank goodness we didn't end up going to Cracker Barrel because we made a huge mess with all the presents.

Then Saturday morning we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow on the ground. We had our family Christmas pictures scheduled for 10:30 that morning. Joe was not excited about taking the girls out in the cold snow, but we ended up getting some good pictures. By the end of the session, Anna kept saying, "I'm cold" and was ready to go home. When we got home, we put Ella down for a nap and we all headed back outside to build Frosty the Snowman. Anna had so much fun with Daddy!

Present time!

Fun paiting project at Rhonda's house!

Ella was 5 days old here. She has really grown alot in a month.

Ella was one month old last week. Hopefully I will remember to take her picture each month in this chair so we can see how much she grows each month.

Josh and Lauren are moving tomorrow, so we went over to help them pack last week. La La made a cool tunnel for the kids to crawl through!

Anna and Joel play so well together now!

Thanks La La for the cool Christmas story stacking blocks! Anna plays with them everyday.

Anna was so proud of her snowman!

One of Anna's Christmas dresses. She has at least 7 dresses. I don't know if we will get to wear them all.


The Thompsons said...

What a GREAT Snowman! That must have taken some work. By the time I got home all our snow was gone :(
7 dresses?? Holy cow girlfriend!

Sara said...

Anna's Nana likes to buy her dresses, but she got them after Christmas last year so they were really cheap.

Frances Vineyard said...

I love Christmas dresses and can't wait to see them all!! :) The snowy picture and backdrop look cute!