Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ella's Friends and Family

Joe and I are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! Thanks to Nana and Poppy for keeping Anna while we transitioned home with Ella. We missed Anna so much, but feel like we have really been able to bond with Ella since we have been home. We cannot wait for Anna to get home tonight so we can begin our new life as a family of four! Thanks to Esther for staying with us and helping with Ella and all the things around the house. It was so good getting to spend time with you. Tim, thanks for letting your wife be gone for even longer. I know you are glad she is finally home! And to all our friends, thanks for your love and support through this new season in our life. We are so thankful for each one of you and what you mean to us. We know God brought us to Knoxville and has kept us here because of our church and all of our friendships we have formed because of CHBC!

I just love to watch Ella sleep!

Darcy and Ella

Josh and Lauren look like they are ready for another one!

La La, Ella, and Joel

Grandma with Ella and Anna. Yes, Anna is eating in almost every picture. She had WAY too many sweets while we were in the hospital.

Wow, look at all of Ella's friends! Well, I guess they are Anna's friends, but Ella will love playing with them when she gets a little older.

Rhonda and Ella

Anna and Lexi having a snack.

Chuck and Ella

David Stewart and Ella

Nana changing Ella's diaper.

Chris was driving through Knoxville Tuesday night, so he was able to stop by and see Ella!

Carrie and I switched babies for a few minutes. Hudson is 11 days older than Ella.

Ella and Grandpa

Ella gave her big sister a doll for her bath. Anna has played with this everyday!

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