Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ella is 9 months old

My sweet baby girl was 9 months old yesterday. Time is just flying by and I want it to stop. She goes for her 9 month check-up Friday, so I will her stats then. She is finally crawling and getting into everything. Anna has to be careful about what she leaves on the floor now.

9 Months - August 3, 2010

Anna had to be in one picture.

Joel doesn't know if he should go for the older or younger sister???

First date!!

Daddy and his girls!

Silly girl!

Joe is playing basketball on Monday nights at church. The girls love watching Daddy play.

Ella is borrowing Dane's walker. She LOVES it! Thanks Aunt La La and Dane!

We had a date with just Anna on Friday to the Gatlinburg aquarium. Thanks to Nana for watching Ella!

They had a cool tunnel that we could see sharks all around us.

Being silly!

I love my big girl!

We went to Pancake Pantry for lunch!

Anna had "Bears in the snow" pancakes!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Great 9 month photo! Love your sign to remember it by. I've gotta get Joel a chair like that. He loved sitting in it the other day.