Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anniversary Weekend

Joe and I went to Gulf Shores for our 5th anniversary this past weekend. We left Thursday after lunch and came back late Sunday night. We had such a good time celebrating 5 AMAZING years of marriage. We reflected over the past 5 years and came to the conclusion that our relationship is so much better than when we got married 5 years ago. It was nice to spend a relaxing weekend on the beach without our sweet girls. Thanks to Nana and Poppy for coming to get the girls and keeping them for the long weekend. I did not come to KY until today to see the girls. We are staying here until Sunday to celebrate Dane's 1st birthday and to do a baby shower for Dawn. We are going to miss Daddy this week.

Happy Anniversary Joe! I'm so glad God took all the circumstances in our lives and brought us together! Thanks for being such a great spiritual leader in our home, an AMAZING husband, and an incredible daddy to our sweet girls! I love you with all my heart!

My HOT husband!

I love how our lillies come back each year!

Anna and I went to the park tonight.

We went to get ice-cream after the park.

Girls first bath together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! So glad you got to have some special time alone together in Gulf Shores! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!