Monday, April 12, 2010


We had Ella's baby dedication at church Sunday. Joe's parents came to visit for the weekend. We had a great time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa. Joe and his dad put in a raised garden Saturday and also cooked the meat and dessert for dinner! Thanks guys! Grandma took care of the girls while I went to a baby shower Saturday morning. Sunday, my parents, Ma, and Aunt Janet came in for Ella's dedication, then they all came back to our house for lunch. We had a great time with our family this weekend.

Ella's Baby Dedication...April 11, 2010

We are so thankful to be a part of such an amazing church.

We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Poppy, Ma, and Aunt Janet all came to town for this special day!

Nana and Poppy

Our family...

Ma and Ella. Ma made Ella's beautiful dedication dress.

Anna wanted Aunt Janet to push her in the swing.

Ready to head to church with Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandpa rubbed Ella's burpcloth on her gums. She LOVED it!

The only time Anna acts jealous is when Grandma or Nana are holding Ella.

Cuddle time with Grandma

Daddy brought home ice-cream last week. They have been sharing a bowl alot lately.


Meet the Robinson's said...

Jonathan and I feel so blessed to be a part of CHBC too, and we feel even more blessed to have you and Joe as our Bible Fellowship leaders! I Love the pics Sara, your girls are so beautiful!!! :)
Megan R.

Frances Vineyard said...

Both of their dresses are beautiful!